Email of the day on MLPs
Read entire articleI wonder if one of you can be tempted to have a look at some charts of the more successful Master Limited Partnership? In particular ETE, MMP and TRGP have had rivetingly consistent charts for a number of years, and they have been my main money spinners recently. However they are doing so well that I have now got out of them fearing a pullback, but (as always with a bull market) wondering whether hanging on to a good thing would not have been best.
These three are either General Partners or (MMP) have no General Partner, which partly explains why their growth is so high, as I understand that a GP is in a way a leveraged play on the underlying LP. But their charts are much more consistent than those of their LPs and indeed than those of most other MLPs. The whole sector (AMJ) has also had an explosion recently, which does make me think the trend is actually likely to continue.