Email of the day (2)
More on what causes the big cycles, plus Crowd Money:
"Re the email posted on Wednesday in section Email of the day - On what causes the big cycles:
"As always David you have summarised a comprehensive reply which in a matter of a few paragraphs simplifies what is most certainly a huge question.
"I am currently enjoying a winter break in the Caribbean and have just finished reading Eoin's latest book 'Crowd Money - A Practical Guide to Macro Behavioural Technical Analysis'. I have to say that Eoin has covered this and so many other issues as well as offering easy to understand observations and answers in terms of the overall topic.
"I have previously enjoyed the 2 day Chart Seminar but Eoin's book is an invaluable reference for all of us who have come to rely on David and Eoin to guide us through the ever changing world of financial markets.
"After completing my reading and applying many of the techniques to a range of charts in The Chart Library, I now feel far more confident to read the charts and to draw meaningful conclusions.
"I heartily recommend that subscribers make a small but invaluable investment in purchasing a copy!"
Thank you for this thoughtful email which Eoin and I very much appreciate.
Enjoy that winter break.
(See also: On what causes the big cycles)
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