David Fuller and Eoin Treacy's Comment of the Day
Category - General

    Eoin's personal portfolio: hedge short profits taken, trading short losses taken, investment positions initiated November 10th 2022

    China Protests Fuel Some Bets for an Earlier Covid Zero Exit

    This article from Bloomberg may be of interest to subscribers. Here is a section:

    Swelling protests against China’s virus-induced curbs may end up supporting asset prices by encouraging President Xi Jinping to accelerate the nation’s exit from Covid Zero, according to some market watchers.

    “I don’t expect Xi to publicly admit error or show weakness, but this wave of protests could cause the leadership to decide privately that the exit needs to proceed more quickly than previously planned,” said Gabriel Wildau, managing director at advisory firm Teneo Holdings LLC in New York.

    Most risk assets slid in early Asian trade Monday on concern the unrest in China, coupled with surging daily infections, may convince the authorities to introduce further Covid restrictions. At the same time, the country’s focus after last month’s Communist Party congress has been on supporting the economy on a wide array of issues from reopening and the property crisis to relations with the US.

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    Chiang Kai-shek's Great-Grandson Claims Key Taiwan Poll Win

    This article from Bloomberg may be of interest to subscribers. Here is a section:

    According to Central Election Commission, KMT won 13 out of 21 cities and counties, while DPP only managed to secure five cities in the southern part of Taiwan, the least since its founding in 1986. KMT candidates took 50% of votes in the contests, versus 41.6% for the DPP, 11.39 million votes counted as of 11:53 pm in Taipei, according to the official election website.

    That prompted President Tsai Ing-wen to step down as party leader, saying in televised remarks: “In the face of these results, there are many areas where we need to engage in self-reflection.”

    The elections represented the last major test of Tsai’s DPP before her second and final term draws to a close and Taiwan picks a successor in early 2024. The KMT, or Nationalist Party, hopes the gains in local races will help it mount a comeback after defeats in presidential elections in 2016 and 2020.

    The results will be closely watched in Washington and Beijing, since the DPP’s rise to power has prompted China to cut off communications with Taiwan and ramp up diplomatic and military pressure on the island. The KMT, which favors eventual unification with China, had previously overseen a historic expansion of ties with Beijing, easing travel, trade and investment across the Taiwan Strait. 

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    Mark Mobius Sees Bitcoin Down at $10,000 in 'Dangerous' Crypto Market

    This article for Bloomberg may be of interest to subscribers. Here is a section:

    “But crypto is here to stay as there are several investors who still have faith in it,” said Mobius, who spent more than three decades at Franklin Templeton Investments. “It’s amazing how Bitcoin prices have held up” despite the FTX fallout, he added.

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    J.P.Morgan sees global bond yields dipping in 2023

    This article from Reuters may be of interest. Here is a section:

    Global bond yields will likely fall slightly in 2023 as the balance between demand and supply will improve by $1 trillion, strategists at J.P. Morgan said in a note.

    There will be a $700 billion contraction in global bond demand next year compared to 2022, while bond supply will likely drop by $1.6 trillion, J.P. Morgan strategists, led by Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou, estimated in the note issued on Thursday.

    "Based on the historical relationship between annual changes in excess supply and the Global Aggregate bond index yield, a $1 trillion improvement in the demand/supply balance would imply downward pressure on Global Aggregate yields of around 40 basis points," the Wall Street bank said.

    J.P. Morgan said that while major central banks trimming their balance sheets in 2022 was the single largest contributor to deterioration in bond demand, sell-offs by commercial banks and retail investors were also much higher than estimates.

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    HSBC Gold Special

    Thanks to a subscriber for this report from HSBC which may be of interest. Here is a section:

    We believe the likelihood that the USD has peaked and expected further strong official sector and coin & bar and jewellery demand present compelling arguments for higher gold prices in 2023 and beyond. That said, until the end of the Fed’s rate hike cycle is complete, and institutional demand for gold increases, prices may be constrained. This leads us to look for weakish prices in early 2023 with increases more likely as the year unfolds.

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    World's Best Shot at Fusion Power Shows Cracks in Silver Lining

    This article from Bloomberg may be of interest to subscribers. Here is a section:

    At issue are two South Korean-made components: thermal shields built by SFA Engineering Corp. and vacuum vessel sectors made by Hyundai Heavy Industries Co. Neither company responded to Bloomberg requests for comment outside of business hours. 

    The thermal shield, which is lined with 5 tons of pure silver and designed to contain heat 10 times hotter than the sun, showed cracks along cooling pipes, ITER reported. The vacuum vessel sectors, each weighing the equivalent of 300 cars and as tall as a telephone pole, show slight differences in manufacturing that complicates the welding process used to put them together. 

    So far, ITER’s governing board has taken the setbacks in its stride. At an extraordinary meeting convened this month, it ordered Barabaschi to come up with a new budget and time line to be presented next year. 

    “What was remarkable at the ITER council was the lack of finger pointing,” ITER spokesman Laban Coblentz said Friday in an interview. “It has been a very solutions-oriented discussion.”


    “Companies have been learning enormously from this first-of-its kind project,” said ITER’s Coblentz, dismissing suggestions that the delays could dampen enthusiasm. “The goal here isn’t to build just a single machine but to show that fusion power is feasible and to make that happen.”

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