Bond of the Week
Comment of the Day

December 21 2011

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Bond of the Week

Thanks to Mark Glowrey for this edition of his ever interesting letter, posted in Here is a section:
Thus, the SLXX ETF is not a "true" corporate bond fund, a point that I raised with iShares in 2009. The company responded with a new ETF, the iShares Sterling Corporate Bond ex-Financials (ISXF) . This ETF uses the same base index (Markit iBoxx Sterling Liquid Corporate Long-Dated Bond), but strips out the financial component.

The resulting fund has had slightly less pick-up from investors with only 300 million AUM at the time of writing. However, it has been a solid performer. The ex-financial ISXF has put in strong gains over the year, up some 8 points from Januarys level of 102.6. Compare this to the broader SLXX, which has performed only adequately, up 3 point from 115 (see overlay chart, below).

It is also evident that the financial component of the SLXX has made for a much bumpier ride. Volatility here has been significant with regular ups-and-downs of 4-5%. This is slightly sub-optimal; to a certain extent, investors buy bond funds to avoid the sort of valuation fluctuations seen in the equity market.

Eoin Treacy's view The iShares Sterling Bond (ex-Financials) ETF remains in a consistent uptrend and has an indicated yield of 4.37%. A number of its constituents have solid track records of increasing their dividends suggesting strong cash flows. The ETF has a similar pattern to a number of the Autonomies highlighted earlier this month.

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