Browning Newsletter: Shifting Oceans - The North American Impact
Comment of the Day

May 16 2012

Commentary by David Fuller

Browning Newsletter: Shifting Oceans - The North American Impact

My thanks to Alex Seagle of Fraser Management Associates, publishers of this fascinating letter on global climate, written by Evelyn Browning Garriss. Here is some good news for Australia:
Australia hates El Niños, which bring drought and wildfires. The good news is that both the large Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the IOD should minimize the adverse effects if a La Niña develops. In the five most similar years, Australia enjoyed a near normal winter with slightly cooler weather.

With all three major oceans in transition, the globe faces a few pleasant months where most weather will be closer to normal (if anyone can remember normal!). This means there is a very high probability of improved crop production and a gradual reduction of food prices.


David Fuller's view The global outlook for crops is generally more favourable than in recent years, according to Evelyn Browning Garriss, although she mentions risks for India and South America.

Ms Garriss will be speaking at The 50th Annual Contrary Opinion Forum in Vermont in early October, as will Eoin Treacy. Highly recommended.

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