Clive Hale's View from the Bridge - Investment Biker�with apologies to Jim Rogers
My thanks to the adventurous
author for his latest
notes. Here is a sample:
The global financial system is in crisis but it won't affect me seems to be the current mantra. Debates about the bonus for Stephen Hester, CEO of RBS, and the impending loss of peerage for the former incumbent are merely smoke screens hiding far more important issues that politicians, and those who have elected them, are unwilling or in many cases unable, to contemplate. Better to join the "blame game" rather than have a serious discussion.
We have been living for far too long on a diet of bail outs, money printing and flawed economic policies, which the politicians fervently want us to believe are the solutions that will "see us through". Issuing more debt to solve the debt problem is just not going to work is it? Ask the Japanese. By 2013 their total government debt is estimated to reach one quadrillion yen - Y1,000,000,000,000,000 - that's a lot of zeros and just as you were getting used to trillions. Debt to GDP will be close to 250% and yet we hear that Greece will still be struggling at 120% and that is after the heroic assumption that there will be more EU assistance and a further round of debt defaults!
David Fuller's view The debt numbers in Japan and the west remain a frightening reminder that this is not just business as usual. However, we also know about all the money that is being printed. One of Fullermoney's important tasks is to discern where that money is flowing
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