Diminished Lives and Futures: A Portrait of America in the Great-Recession Era
Thanks to a subscriber for this interesting survey
by Mark Szeltner, Carl Van Horn, Ph.D. and Cliff Zukin, Ph.D. for the John J.
Heldrich Center for Workforce Development. It is posted without further comment
but here is a section
More American workers feel they are responsible for dealing with the consequences of the Great Recession compared to employers and government, but this opinion varies among the employed and unemployed populations. The general public has little faith in the U.S. government's ability to reduce the unemployment rate and twice as many Americans say the nation will have to depend on private-sector job growth. Despite a general lack of faith in government policy, Americans support several government strategies that may lower the unemployment rate. Tax credits to businesses that hire new workers and long-term education programs are most popular followed by government-created job and retraining programs for the unemployed.Back to top