Email of the day (1)
More on India's monsoon
"The monsoon is getting undue attention, lending credence to my observation, that India's Government and development, is highly dependent on Karma. This further reinforces the belief, that India's perennial dependence on the monsoon, is a fait accompli. This is highly convenient for the Government. Less Government is better, so the Indian Government feels that none at all, is best.
"A well developed agricultural sector, often leads to industrial aspirations and there was a 'natural' progression from one into the other, throughout history. India has a cash rich industrial sector, which is not allowed to enter the agricultural sector, by ( archaic? ) laws. Government has compartmentalized the industrial and agricultural sectors. This is reflected in the reality of the Indian country. The prosperity of the cities are not allowed to overflow into the countryside. Small wonder than, that "Government clueless on price rise", is the headline in Times of India, that screams out of the first page. (I will send that article to you separately)
"Reliance, for example, who is into retailing of fruits and vegetables, would love this backward integration. This desperately needed capital is leaving the country (in search of takeovers) while the Government, managements and the SENSEX are dancing in joy about the achievements of the Indian companies.
"India is flattered by being portrayed as a leading future force - it is time for this nation to go back into the future."
David Fuller's view Many thanks for this on-location insight, which is certain to be of interest to many within the Collective.
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