Email of the day (1)
on the average discount to NAV of investment trusts
"I've had a dig around the Chart library unsuccessfully - any chance you would know off hand whether your chart database would have a long term chart of the 'Average Discount on the UK Investment Trust Sector (ex 3i Group)?
"By the way, summary of Irish banking situation last Friday was top drawer."
Eoin Treacy's view Thank you. I'm afraid I have not been able to find an index of investment trusts for which I could find an aggregate NAV to chart. I also spent some time attempting to create a custom index that would allow me to simulate an average but Bloomberg does not appear to be able to accommodate such a request. A rounded mean, excluding the top and bottom two data points, of this list of 232 investment trusts returns a discount of -12.1%. Unfortunately, I cannot currently compare this to previous readings.