Email of the day (1)
On corn
"Your "grain specialist" was spot on. Keep us posted on his further thoughts please saw this story on the and thought it would interest you:
"US grain stocks estimates face 'deep cuts'" - Official estimates for US grain inventories are expected to be cut on Friday, with Rabobank foreseeing the lowest figure for corn in 14 years"
David Fuller's view He is a diligent researcher. And you will also know that the potential was in the chart pattern.
Thanks for the informative article which also contains a splendid and apparently unintentional pun.
The USDA seems to work on a gradualist basis regarding its forecasts, at least until the facts have been verified. My understanding and also hunch is that the yields are more likely to be revised downwards than upwards, not least for corn and wheat.
Here is a summary of the USDA's latest report.