Email of the day (1)
Comment of the Day

November 10 2010

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (1)

On ethics:
"In the first article below your writer a Mr. Davis, [Ed: Tuesday's lead item] makes mention of the CFA designation with regards to integrity. We are required to sign a code of ethics annually and a number of questions as well, of which a positive answer to requires follow up letters with explanations.

"With regards to the MBA, it was not to long ago reported in the monthly Rotarian magazine, that the 2008 or 2009 Harvard MBA class project was a code of ethics. 50% of the class would not sign.

David Fuller's view How sad, and also misguided because in addition to their social importance, high ethical standards make good business sense.

Starting with the Golden Rule, ethics should be introduced at home and at an early age, although we know that will not always happen. I think they should be reinforced by citizenship classes from nursery school through secondary education. I would like to see ethics become a required subject during higher education, and not least on MBA courses and at law schools.

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