Email of the day (1)
Comment of the Day

April 07 2011

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (1)

On returning as a long-term subscriber, plus silver:
"I am a long-time subscriber to, but every time the price goes up (usually annually as I recall) - I think I should dispense with your services as part of my annual belt-tightening exercise. The folly of my decision usually shows up the day after cancellation - so it's time to own up and stop this nonsense for good. There's no better value anywhere as far as I'm concerned, given the wealth of information you can access;

"In my absence I've missed out on information on precious metals which is my particular interest at the moment and I'd be grateful if you could comment on the following:

"I also subscribe to a PM service in America and yesterday they sent out an alert to the effect that when silver hits the big round number of $40.00 ( their "target" price) it is likely to reverse and sustain a 10 to 15% drawdown. Gold should not be affected as it is not overbought, except insofar as the gold/silver ratio will temporarily change accordingly. Would you care to comment on this?"

David Fuller's view Thank you for your kind words and continued support.

I discussed silver in some detail two days ago (Tuesday) in my most recent precious metals review and nothing has occurred to alter that view which includes the psychological importance of $40.

For the record, a Search for silver, using the link shown in the menu upper-left, fourth item down, produced 922 entries, so Fullermoney has monitored every step of this splendid journey, including personal trades.

Pre-subscribers can also Search the Archive. You will not see comments made within the last four months but everything else is available. For best results, start with a single word Search and then scroll to the time periods of interest to you, so that you can see how we did. You can see what we were saying about silver, including our own personal trades, from the days when it was last in the 3 to 4 dollar range and all the way upwards.

A Search of the Fullermoney site under gold will produce 1632 entries. To see how our research might have helped you, Search under any other commodity, currency, index or share. We cover almost everything and customisable charts for all these instruments are in the Subscriber's Chart Library.

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