Email of the day (1)
Comment of the Day

July 21 2011

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (1)

On making new long-term investments:
"Enjoy the service for the last 2 years and I am slowly but surely incorporating your themes into my investment activity - (better late than never)

"With reference to your recent top 10 holdings review and specifically your last comment

"I will be diverting more cash towards my long-term investments in coming months." ....have you made any decisions in relation to further investments?

"If you could make only 3 further long term investments which would they be (difficult one I know as many personal factors to be considered here)"

David Fuller's view Among the first personal factors you may wish to consider: are you looking mainly for preservation of purchasing power, yield, growth, or all of these?

You will know what best suits your personal circumstances. My eventual selections will come from Fullermoney secular themes, detailed in this global strategy service. Some candidates are mentioned below.

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