Email of the day (1)
More on shale gas
"I know 300m below SW7 (we all know area of town you live in) we shot along river to test an experimental piece of geophysical eqpt. from SouthBank (Shell HQ) and saw nice shale anomalies in that area when we put up the mock models. Would say with newer technologies it is maybe not 'indicated' for shale gas but the words 'probable' and 'potential' do come to mind. Stake your claims from H.M. (if you can) on subsurface crown mineral rights!"
David Fuller's view Even when I jest, albeit regarding a serious matter, I have yet to encounter an important subject on which someone in the Collective is not highly informed. Since London sits on sand, or so they tell me, it makes sense that there would be some shale gas below. However I have to think of the neighbours and we are nimby types. All those nodding donkeys (or whatever they use) would disturb the birdsong. I'll stick to the markets - long may they remain munificent.
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