Email of the day (1)
Comment of the Day

August 16 2011

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (1)

On bear markets:
"Good morning gents.

"The action of the last couple of weeks gives me the feeling that this has been exacerbated by high frequency trading. The price movements appears very similar to last May's action and as high frequency trading increases my guess is that this type of thing will occur more often and probably increase in size. My belief is to get used to it, allow for it and trade it and don't confuse this type of action with a true bear market. The blocks are not in place yet for a bear market.

David Fuller's view I hope you are right about the "blocks" not being in place for a bear market, although I am not sure what you have in mind. I also agree that HFT has increased volatility, as you know. However, you and most other subscribers will be familiar with the saying:

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... it probably is a duck.

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