Email of the day (1)
Comment of the Day

September 20 2011

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (1)

More on climate change:
"Thanks for printing my email. I agree, I think you have kicked off a lively debate on your site. Good job outlining the current state of debate.

"I suspect AGW will go down as one of the biggest scientific frauds in history. Note that another distinguished member of the US scientific community has resigned from his professional society over this issue.."

David Fuller's view Thanks for the links, including this sobering resignation letter from Hal Lewis.

I remain skeptical concerning most long-term forecasts because they are generally unscientific. They become a cause, a business, or faith-based, to the exclusion of logic, let alone evidence. Then we have the emotional blackmail intended in the exaggerated, pseudoscience promoted by Al Gore and others.

However, I am an agnostic on climate change, whatever its causes, because I simply do not know. A year does not pass without producing some extreme variations in climate somewhere because that is the way the system works, as we have seen throughout our lives and as the Browning letter details for us each month. I have seen enough crop damage during the last two years to be concerned. We also have the disturbing and ongoing melt of the Polar Ice Caps.

I do not like the way the climate change debate has become divided along political and even religious lines. In terms of policies it leads to a mentality of: if he is for it, I am against it. Rhetoric replaces thoughtful discussion, even within families. The one certainty is that there are plenty of extremists on both sides of the climate change debate.

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