Email of the day (1)
nd Dividend yield charts for Chinese indices:
"Is it possible to show the Bloomberg image of the (1) long-term PER graph, and the (2) long-term dividend yield graph, for the FTSE China 25 Index? Thanks in advance."
Eoin Treacy's view Thank
you for this suggestion. Chinese valuations have returned to levels that have
supported rallies in the past. Sentiment remains extremely pessimistic toward
the country but the weakness of the stock market appears to have gained the
attention of the authorities and support for the banking sector was initiated
this week.
China 25 has not been around for as long as some of the other indices. Therefore
its P/E and dividend
yield charts are not as long-dated as those for the Shanghai A-Share Index
(P/E, dividend
yield). Here also are charts for the Hang Seng (P/E,
dividend yield) and China Enterprises
Index (H-shares P/E, dividend