Email of the day (1)
"The link below is for last Thursdays Don Coxe audio (10th Nov), in which he presents his interesting thoughts on the Euro, in fact about 80% of the audio is on the Euro, which may be of interest to subscribers.
"Essentially, Mr Coxes' view is that the Euro must weaken before we can look forward to a reliable bull run in equities and he explains at some length why he thinks this is so.
"If you get a chance to listen and you have time, it would be nice have your take on Mr Coxes' view."
Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for this link. I agree that a weaker currency would certainly help to improve the competitiveness of the Eurozone versus the rest of the world. However, it would do little to change the intra-country competitiveness issues within the currency union. This will require some additional consolidation, austerity and rationalisation across the region and particularly on the periphery.
Germany's central requirement is that recipients of bailout funds follow through with the agreed fiscal austerity. This remains an open question but countries will have to tow the line if they wish to remain within the currency union. Provided they do, Germany can continue to be expected to go along with propping up the Euro. They have after all been the greatest beneficiaries of its creation.