Email of the day (1)
Comment of the Day

December 19 2011

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (1)

On blanking out adds on the internet:
"I noticed your comment that the ads on Google irritate you. You may be interested to know that there's an easy way to avoid getting any ads at all! On any websites.

Yes I know you don't want to spend time messing around with your computer yourself, but maybe some young person in the family (or someone from your IT department) could do it for you?

The first step involves using Chrome or Firefox as your browser instead of Internet Explorer (if you don't do that already). The conversion is easy, as the new browser can take over all your favourites from the old one.

The second step is to install a little extension (Chrome) or add-on (Firefox) called AdBlock.

Then ALL ads are simply blanked out. You do though have the option to allow ads on Google searches if you like (some people actually like them).

Millions of people, including myself, use it and it gives no problems of any kind.

Allowing AdBlock on Chrome (which is a Google product) was a real test case for Google's open policy, as it also blocks the Google search ads which provide Google with its income. But in the end they decided to allow it.

David Fuller's view Thank you so much for this very informative email which is certain to be of interest to other subscribers. In terms of browsers, I find myself alternating between Internet Explorer and increasingly, Google Chrome. The latter seems somewhat more stable, particularly when accessing articles.

I have already shown your email to our IT assistant and he is looking into Adblock Plus for me.

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