Email of the day (1)
on behavioural finance departments:
“Greetings to you both -
“Yesterday's post mentions PhD's in Behavioural Finance - a specialist Forum that I 'attend' has recently been discussing just that - the suggestions made include:
“Warwick Business School, one of the leading business schools in U.K., is building up a strong team on BF and early last year hired Professor Richard Taffler (an authority on behavioural finance).
“In Europe, Swiss Universities are by far the most advanced in the area of Behavioural Finance. Specifically, the University of Zürich and Basel. In Germany, I would look to the Univ. of Bonn ... if you have a preference for Germany you should try University of Mannheim, where Prof. Martin Weber is one of the leading experts in BF in Germany.
“A reasonable alternative might be Rüdiger v. Nitzsch at RWTa Aachen. He is focused on decision theory and finance as well.
“NB All the above are quotes, not my own words ... “
“Hope this helps”
Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for this informative email contributed in the spirit of Empowerment Through Knowledge.
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