Email of the day (1)
Comment of the Day

March 05 2012

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day (1)

on a fund of foreign affiliates:
“Thank you very much for posting the "emerging market outperformance: publicly traded affiliates of multinational companies" paper

“Are you or anybody from the Collective aware of a fund that invests mainly in such companies? As always thanks a lot for the excellent service.”

Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for your kind words. We have been following foreign affiliates of multinational companies on an ad hoc basis for a number of years. Iain Little was the first person to point out their outperformance to us at least five years ago. I know he has some in his GTI fund but the fund itself is not focused on foreign affiliates. I'm afraid I do not know of a fund dedicated to foreign affiliates but would be happy to add one to the Chart Library if someone has a suggestion.

I have now added all the shares from the Yale report to the database and will add them to their correct sections tomorrow. There are a number of other shares not listed in the report which are worthy of entry. I am in the process of compiling a section of my Favourites with these shares and a number of others. Siemens Index, the South African listings of SAB Miller and Richemont and the Brazilian listed Ambev all come to mind.

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