Email of the day (1)
Comment of the Day

April 27 2012

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (1)

More on Romney / Bernanke:
"I have no doubt that the reader who wrote about Romney/Bernanke knows his politics. But I am wondering why your reader is certain that Romney would "boot" him. Bernanke became Fed Chief under a Republican President. Since I am writing to you for the first time; allow me to take this time to tell you what an extraordinary job that you and Eoin do. I look forward to attending a chart seminar one day."

David Fuller's view Thank you for your kind words and I know Eoin will look forward to meeting you at a future TCS.

Re "boot" Bernanke, Romney has made it clear that he does not want more QE, but neither does the Fed Chairman who is hoping that the economy can now gain traction without it. I think any attempt to replace Bernanke before the end of his term would be contentious but articles such as this one from Forbes show the extent to which the debate is polarised.

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