Email of the day (1)
Comment of the Day

April 06 2010

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day (1)

on shale gas related companies
"You asked what companies had good exposure to shale gas. In Canada, which has a lot of shale gas, Encana Corporation has much the biggest exposure and is doing well. I do not hold the stock. Thank you for your remarkably consistent excellent reviews"

Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for your input and kind remarks. I last reviewed Encana's chart on March 9th in conjunction with a number of other shale gas related companies. The share continues to sustain its 18-month progression of higher reaction lows and bounced most recently from near C$30. A sustained move below that level would be required to question scope for further higher to lateral ranging.

Other shale gas drillers, many of which were profiled in Comment of the Day on March 9th are performing considerably better than Encana but all have benefitted from the drive to bring this resource to market. Here is a list of related shares ranked by 3-month performance and in US Dollars.

The benefits of an ample supply of relatively cheap natural gas are not limited to drillers. Chemical and fertilizer companies have been clear beneficiaries of lower input prices as demand for their products has increased. These sectors offer additional exposure to this developing theme. (Also see Comment of the Day on March 15th)

Natural gas found at least short-term support in the region of the upper side of the long-term base, near $4, last week and followed through yesterday. A sustained move below $3.80 would now be required to question scope for some additional upside.

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