Email of the day (1)
On trading opportunities:
"I have read that it is easier and more reliable to bet on a stock index rather than individual stocks. With this in mind I am looking to get involved in the large global companies as you both mention they are cash rich, will benefit from stimulus liquidity and increasing middle class size. The S&P500 appears to have the most extensive list of such companies and is also giving chart buy signals (buy high sell higher strategy). Would you agree with this or are commodities a better bet (am already on Gold & Platinum - thanks for highlighting Platinum in particular)."
David Fuller's view Thanks for an email likely to be of general
interest and well done for seizing your market opportunities in gold and platinum.
is easier to trade the S&P 500 but
the Autonomies to which you refer are only a small, albeit influential sector
of that Index. Also, the S&P and leading Autonomies have had a good run
so you would be a late entry. Personally, at this time I would prefer to invest
in or trade some of the previously lagging cyclicals (see Eoin's latest review
of mining shares below).