Email of the day (1)
Comment of the Day

March 12 2013

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (1)

On the Aberdeen New Thai Investment Trust
I'm thinking that continuing to hold my long position in Aberdeen New Thai investment trust is likely to result in a negative surprise at some point very soon?

"What do you think?"

David Fuller's view Well done for not only holding this position but also for your timely question.

I agree with you. ANW shows a Type-1 ending as taught at The Chart Seminar, in the form of a climactic acceleration following a ranging upward trend since late-October 2008. This is an ending signal although ANW has yet to break downwards. The move is partly influenced by sterling's weakness against the Thai Baht - THB/GBP, which also looks somewhat overextended. More importantly, Thailand's SET Index is also overstretched relative to its MA.

Tactically, your decision is whether to stand aside now, or to introduce a trailing stop. Personally, I would not worry too much about the possibility of selling too soon when a long uptrend shows a clear overextension in the form of Type-1 acceleration.

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