Email of the day
Report on the 48th Annual Contrary Opinion Forum:
"I contribute to, which is a site for registered financial advisors (they can't subscribe to it unless they have a Series 7 license or some such; the general public is not allowed).
"Horsesmouth published my review of the Contrary Opinion Forum this morning and, as you'll see, your presentation (rightfully) dominated it. In case this results in a deluge of inquiries, as I hope it might, I wanted you to be aware from what type of people they were coming from.
"And for my money, your phrase "secular valuation contraction" is the Keeper Of The Year!
"Best to you and your wonderful OW,"
David Fuller's view Many thanks for your comments and for your review, linked above. I have never been quoted more accurately.
Note to readers: What I value most at the Contrary Opinion Forum is the conversation time at meals and receptions. Most of the real experts, such as Walter Deemer, are in the audience.
I will add my own, briefer comments on the Forum and my travel in the USA next week.