Email of the day
"David - given your (and my) interest in uranium/nuclear power, this seemed a thought-provoking bit of reading, from one who would appear to have some understanding of the industry."
David Fuller's view Thanks for this report: Honey, I Shrunk
the Renaissance: Nuclear Revival, Climate Change, and Reality, received in PDF
format. That title sets the tone for an unenthusiastic and mildly sardonic
assessment of nuclear power by Peter Bradford, an academic and former member
of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. I note that his article is currently
featured on a number
of sites which I suspect are mostly lukewarm on nuclear power, at best,
such as Greenpeace and Democratic Underground.
Having read the report, I found it somewhat disjointed but the main objections
appear to be cost competitiveness relative to coal and natural gas power stations,
plus confusion and reticence over the financing of nuclear power plants which
are understandably expensive to build.
has previously cited shale gas extraction as a potential 'game changer' and
there is little doubt in my mind that its abundance in the USA has helped to
keep energy prices lower over the last year and counting than what we would
have seen without this technology. Today, any fossil fuel power station is going
to be much cheaper to build and run than nuclear.
energy related questions for the US government or any other national government
are, I suggest: 1) how long will fossil fuels be available at anything close
to today's prices; 2) what source of non fossil fuel technology is most likely
to make the greatest contribution towards the Holy Grail of energy self-sufficiency;
3) which source of energy will lead to the greatest overall reduction in greenhouse
gas emissions?
first question is the most difficult to answer, in my opinion. However it would
seem naïve and wishful thinking to assume that prices of fossil fuels will
remain low, given that extraction costs are very likely to rise as the most
easily accessible supplies are exhausted by an energy-hungry world. Renewable
sources of energy are obviously highly desirable and their cost will hopefully
decline in time, but wind, solar and biofuel cannot remotely equal the output
of nuclear energy anytime soon. Consequently, nuclear energy will make the greatest
reduction in greenhouse gasses caused by fossil fuels.
I find
US inertia over nuclear power worrying. This seems to be a problem of governance
although a bankrupt Treasury does not help. Republicans and Democrats remain
deeply divided on most issues. Where is the vision?