Email of the day
On Ireland and TCS:
"The various articles and comments on the Irish/EU debt crisis are exceedingly interesting and clearly a major financial issue.
"Maybe I have missed a trick here but when I look at the sheer magnitude of the latest potential bail out the maths just doesn't add up! Given the low numbers of Irish tax payers and the size of the potential bail out the amount of debt apportioned to each tax payer is unbelievable and there is no way that the interest can be repaid let alone the principal.
"At the end if the day it is not feasible let alone moral for the Irish government at a stroke of a pen to swap the liability to their tiny electorate whilst allowing the bank bondholders who must have invested on a commercial 'buyer beware' basis to walk away Scott free?
"The only moral solution is a massive number 1 GI haircut for the bank bondholders? I will not hold my breath as these are mainly UK and German banks who in turn will hold out the begging bowl to the state sector.
"As for the bickering in relation to the Irish Corporation tax rate, I am reminded of a comment made by my dear dad when I was a young man. Never play cards with an Irishman as he was always prepared to lose the lot! (maybe Eoin would care to comment). At the end if the day they know they hold the better cards as Frau Merkel and the EU clique know that Ireland knows that no bail out for Ireland will lead to massive contagion amongst the remaining pigs and others.
"So a political mess which will not be resolved until the politicians face up to long term realities. Don't hold your breath!!
"Interested to read Eoin's comments on The Chart Seminar. Having been a long-term reader of yours David - originally goes back to the brown pages in the monthly Money Management publication in the early 80s - I am somewhat of red of face to admit that I have never attended!
"The timing is always a problem - we enjoy the winter sun in the tropics in November whilst late May is most perfect in southern Europe. However, I will have to sacrifice southern Europe next May and join Eoin and attendees for the next seminar as discussion and debate was obviously lively and thought provoking. I will contact the office accordingly. If you are interested this mail I sent from Oistins in southern Barbados near the famous fish market!"
David Fuller's view Thanks for this chatty email and your interest in Fullermoney over the last decades.
With an Irish taxpayer on the team I happily defer to Eoin who has commented on the latest developments (see below).
Regarding TCS, I have no trouble understanding your preference for the sunny tropics in November but May can be lovely in London. And if it pours, there is the consolation of the Fullermoney Brolly prize for delegate participation. TCS is a workshop so there is usually plenty of lively discussion, especially when most of the delegates are subscribers. Eoin will be delighted to welcome you next May but don't give him too easy a time in the Q&A. Meanwhile, enjoy the school of famous fish in Barbados.