Email of the day
Comment of the Day

December 01 2010

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day

More on 'skin in the game':
"Regarding "Skin in the game": I very much appreciated your comments on that topic. As a professional psychologist and active investor myself I wouldn't take serious anybody with no obvious "skin in the game". The notion is outright funny to me, since anybody claiming to have "no skin in the game" is either deluding him/herself or would have no "motivation" to do the complex decision making process with enough due diligence, which discerns a conscious risk-taking from outright gambling.

"The conscious approach to the dilemma for me is to be aware, open and authentic about ones own subjectivity and interests.

"To me that's highly similar to what works in professional relations in the areas of psychotherapy, counselling & coaching too."

David Fuller's view What a wise, perceptive email and not just in terms of markets.

Thank you so much!

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