Email of the day (2)
"The forthcoming Ashes series is far more important than the outcome of the Ozzie election as many of your subscribers will appreciate. Sport is a great leveller when it comes to the trials and tribulations of economic "necessity". And if that passion were to be reflected in the way we live our lives how much better that would be for all of us....I know you have been "over here" for a long time but for a New Yorker to embrace our national game shows just how far "globalisation" can improve the quality of life! Good on you sport!!
"Unemployment in southern Spain is 20 percent plus (ignoring the black economy) ie it is probably less but a lot of people are on the make to avoid social security contribs. Property looks like beginning the next leg down and like in the rest of the western world denial is the name of the game. I know you have a more "benign" view of the world but the Spains and the Greeces are the key to the next major move and it doesn't look good down here. I'd like to be wrong..........
"Regards from sunny Spain off roading in the Sierras. Maaaaarvellous!"
David Fuller's view Regarding cricket, I've been a Londoner for a lot longer than I was ever a New Yorker. While I agree with you on sport, I disagree about the world. Greece and Spain are not going to determine the world outcome, and neither is any other individual country in my opinion. Staying with the sports theme, your adventure holiday provides you with some insights as to what Spain does have going for it during a difficult economic period, and a country which produces sportsmen of the calibre and character of Raphael Nadal gets plaudits from me as well. Also, not all companies within a country's stock market are tethered solely to its economy, as discerning investors are discovering, not least in the USA. Spain's stock market is a global underperformer, not surprisingly, but it is not a disaster.
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