Email of the day (2)
Comment of the Day

September 24 2010

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day (2)

on Chart Library enhancements
"Thanks for the service. I have enjoyed it very much. I would like to ask about Chart Library. Is it possible to post more indices on the same page? I would like to post DAX, DOW and S+P or Gold, Silver and Palladium on the same page. Do you plan to add more function for the chart library (like Trendline, more indicators like Fibonacci) Thank you!"

Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for these suggestions and we plan to enact all of these enhancements though probably not all at the same time. You can currently overlay two instruments in the Chart Library using the Charting function but not three. To do this, select your first instrument from the menu or search and click on the Charting tab located in the charcoal bar above every chart. In the resulting popup window select your second instrument from the list of most popular instruments in the Relative dropdown menu or use the "Other Relative" search engine to find any other instrument. Next select overlay from the second dropdown menu and hit Apply. Here is an example of and S&P500 and DAX overlay.

The next piece of programming we hope to have completed is to rebase two or more instruments to 100 so that the relative performance is instantly observable. We also plan to add the ability to draw trendlines and other indicators but this may take longer.

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