Email of the day (2)
On omissions in Douglas Rushoff's column regarding Facebook:
"Thanks for sending that across! Always a great opportunity to sit on the other side of the fence. I appreciate his contrarian view but I made two main observations of what I'd consider big omissions:
1. Comparing myspace to face book is like comparing Amstrad to Apple.
2. There are some significant statistics he didn't mention, the most encouraging that face book now gets more page views than Google, and unlike my space, face book is being incorporated with major retailers as a key part of their commercial online strategy. It is a 50/50 data capture, a win win situation. Myspace failed to expand in this way."
David Fuller's view These are good points, although I would guess that Google's page views come from more HNW consumers than the mainly very young crowd using Facebook. However, I imagine smart and observant retailers can get some early and therefore valuable clues regarding fashion trends, if they are closely involved with Facebook.
Tech company start-ups remind me of very clever students launching rockets. Most blow up or soon swerve off course, but those that do succeed soon make their creators vast fortunes.
Identifying the winners among many probably losers requires specialist knowledge, which I certainly do not have, but once a listed share, price charts will soon reveal the winners and losers.