Email of the day (2)
Comment of the Day

February 04 2011

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (2)

On brokers in the UK who can handle stocks listed in other countries:
"I am quite new to the forum and really have enjoyed my initial experiences. I noticed that Eoin's recent feature on lithium listed a number of Japanese based companies. In addition, the rare earth sector includes a number of Australian based companies. I am finding it hard to come up with a broker who can offer shares from both these markets. Do you or your readers have any ideas?"

David Fuller's view I would contact Tony Smith of Brewin Dolphin Securities - 0845 213 3523.

A number of shares are periodically reviewed in Eoin's technical appraisals of sectors. If you are interested in any of them, we advise that you conduct your own due diligence.

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