Email of the day (2)
Comment of the Day

February 16 2011

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (2)

On a fund mentioned in Fullermoney:
"Concerning your mention of Global Uranium Fund, GUR, I was looking late last year for possible Uranium investments and came across GUR. As the composition of the fund looked very interesting I decided to buy. However, it appears that the quantities for purchase on any day are very low, in the order of a few hundreds. Unfortunately I haven't managed to acquire a reasonable holding of the fund.

"I would be interested to hear if others in the collective have experienced the same problem.

"Many thanks for your excellent market insights which have certainly helped boost my portfolio over the years."

David Fuller's view Many thanks for the feedback and congratulations on seizing your market opportunities over the years.

That was my fault regarding GUR. In my enthusiasm for the portfolio holdings, small discount to NAV and reasonable costs, I overlooked the tiny size of this fund which is only C$29.24m according to Bloomberg. That is probably due to GUR's disastrously timed launch in August 2007, just after the uranium price peaked. The fund will grow in size, I am sure, but buying anytime soon will remain a liquidity problem without a market setback, for whatever reason.

There is certainly no point in bidding it to a premium. However one can always cherry pick among the fund's holdings, which were shown in my technical comment on GUR this Monday. Most of these are in the Chart Library and a number have been discussed in recent months. GCL is also small but approximately three times larger than GUR at the moment. Uranium shares and funds have had a good run recently, and while I remain very bullish for the medium to longer term, they are best purchased following setbacks.

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