Email of the day (2)
Comment of the Day

March 11 2011

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day (2)

on re-denominating US Dollar instruments to Canadian Dollars:
"I am trying to look at the price of PRPFX in Canadian dollars and think I should be dividing by USD/CAD. Can you help?".

Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for this question which may be of interest to other subscribers. When attempting to view a US$ denominated instrument in Canadian Dollar the correct format is to multiply by USD/CAD. Right now, the Canadian Dollar is stronger than the US Dollar at 97¢. Therefore the Canadian Dollar value should be a smaller number than the US Dollar value. For example gold at US$1410 *0.97 Canadian cents = C$1367.

When redenominating the Permanent Portfolio Fund (PRPFX) into Canadian Dollars, choose the fund from the menu and click on the Charting tab, located in the charcoal coloured bar about the chart. Choose US$/Canadian Dollar (CAD) from the Relative dropdown menu and choose multiply from the adjacent menu. Next hit Apply. The redenominated chart will now be displayed.

If you would like to save this operation as a template so that you can redenominate any US Dollar quoted instrument to Canadian Dollars without having to follow the above instructions again take these additional these steps:

Click on the Charting tool again.
Click on Save in the aquamarine stripe at the top of the popup window
Give the template a name and hit OK.
Refresh the page.

Your template will now be found in the Chart dropdown menu at the top of the page and can be applied to any US Dollar quoted instrument whenever you wish.

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