Email of the day (2)
I thought this was an interesting article, not sure if he is talking his book or I am talking my book, maybe we both are.
ps I was surprised that David and yourself have not shorted silver in the last week or so, it was nail biting but made some money [in] what has so far not happened a lot this year!
David Fuller's view Thanks for the article. Fullermoney likes Jim O'Neill because of his global interests, common sense approach and ego control. He is a self-described "glass half-full guy". So are we, because the world progresses more than it regresses, albeit sometimes after first exhausting many of the other possibilities.
I assume that he is talking his own book, as are you, and so am I, hopefully for sensible reasons. We want people to have market positions, so long as they are open about it. It shows conviction and usually a measure of success over the years.
As for shorting silver, Eoin was away on a very successful TCS and speaking tour. For me, the first priority was to get the call right. I have had several profitable commodity shorts recently but there are limits to the amount of "nail biting" trading excitement that I seek.
I congratulate you on seizing your opportunity in the markets.