Email of the day (2)
Comment of the Day

May 20 2011

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (2)

On my personal trades and investments:
Would it be possible to advise;

a) Current Long Term Investment open positions
b) Current open trading positions

David Fuller's view All of my personal trades have been mentioned under 'My personal portfolio' during the last few days, so you can easily scroll back to see them.

If using the 'Search' facility (see menu upper left, fourth item down, and searching under - my personal - you will find 987 results, detailing every trade and occasional long-term investment change since Fullermoney became a fully online service in the last decade.

For easier access to discussions of my personal top-10 equity investments, 'Search' under - top-10. You will currently find 135 results.

The last changes in my personal portfolio occurred on Thursday 28th February, when I sold China Mobile and invested the proceeds in Lynas, Avalon and Quest Rare Minerals.

Prior to that switch, my last full review was on 8th February.

I have been asked to review it again and will do so in the near future. Obviously the rankings have changed with Denison falling back following Fukushima. Cameco will have dropped out of the top-10 once again. JPMorgan Chinese Investment Trust (JMC LN) will have moved up into 10th position. While I am obviously disappointed by the uranium miners, I will not be selling them anytime soon.

My next big move will most likely be to invest more of my cash reserves in equities, preferably at somewhat better valuations and with improved chart patterns. Previously, that cash was set aside for currency switches but there are no high-yielding, fully convertible fiat currencies that I wish to hold. My next equity purchases, possibly in 4Q, will be selected from Fullermoney secular themes and most likely favouring some of the higher yielding candidates reviewed by Eoin over the last year.

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