Email of the day (2)
"I have awoken this morning [Ed: Tuesday] and read my daily update from Fuller money as usual and to my delight you published my quick e-mail from yesterday - I have read the added response with great eagerness and have found it very helpful.
"However I would like to take things just one stage further and ask for your expert medium/long term view on the S&P500, EuroStoxx 50 and the Nikkei 225.
"I'm particularly interested in your view of the technical levels, fundamentals supporting each and relative values of each of the indices.
"Thank you so much."
David Fuller's view I appreciate your enthusiasm but will
also ask for your forbearance, in pointing out that it takes a while for new
subscribers to find their way around the considerable amount of information
which Fullermoney provides, and then to select what is most helpful in their
own analytical and investment decisions.
In terms
of guidance, much of what you request above is discussed in the Audios, and
some of the sector reviews in Comment of the Day, although it is more of a trend
monitoring than data crunching exercise.
investor searches for what works, and especially what works for them. There
is a human limitation in that we cannot do everything, and even if we could
with the help of machines, much of it would be busy work of questionable value.
In using price charts I have described my own approach as that of a technical
naturalist, observing the investment herd.