Email of the day (2)
"With regard to gold, some say it has never kept up with inflation - what is your view on this."
David Fuller's view I doubt that the price of gold has kept up with inflation over the centuries. However I cannot prove it, not being a stats wonk and I suspect this takes us into Mark Twain's territory of: "…lies, damned lies, and statistics." For instance, are we talking about the inflation data of various governments, which we know beyond a reasonable doubt to be understated, or so-called shadow (independent) statistics which I suspect are more objective.
More importantly, in our era I suspect gold will struggle when short-term interest rates are meaningfully higher.
I believe there is a larger question: Will gold remain a world-class store of wealth over the very long term? Yes, in my opinion, because of its unique properties, history and relative scarcity. Nevertheless, gold bullion will still have a widely fluctuating price, subject to liquidity and the whims of fashion, just like everything else that is arguably of value.