Email of the day (2)
On the JPMorgan Indian IT:
"Reading your comments on JP Morgan Indian IT, I thought it worth mentioning that the New India Investment Trust, run by Aberdeen, has performed slightly better than JII recently. Their discounts to NAV are very similar. I am invested in both.
"Thank you and Eoin for your much appreciated work."
David Fuller's view Thanks for pointing this out and we can
also see it on this 10-year overlay
chart of the two ITs. I have great respect for Hugh Young of Aberdeen and
NII would appear to have the more defensive portfolio during market downturns.
is the more liquid market with a current capitalisation of £473m according
to Bloomberg, compared with £139m for NII. I too would be happy to hold
either of these funds for the long term and to purchase more in a further correction,
which is certainly possible before the next significant advance occurs (see
also Email 3 below).