Email of the day (2)
On selling gold jewellery:
"Re Gold - Mike Kahn (US chartist mate of mine) posted this:
"Quick Takes Pro
My wife sold some gold and silver today at a jewlery store (not a "fly by night we buy gold" shack). They said they get one person per month selling their stuff and today they had six people. Apply your own sentiment analysis to this limited sample."
David Fuller's view It is a sign that gold's strength is collecting more headlines, which indicates some overheating as we can also see from gold's short-term trend. However, I would be more concerned if the folks had been queuing up to buy gold jewellery.
As one who occasionally attends auctions, I can report that at London jewellery sales prices for gold items and especially diamonds attract competitive bidding. However one can still buy some very attractive coloured stones in good settings at reasonable prices.