Email of the day (2)
Comment of the Day

September 21 2011

Commentary by Eoin Treacy

Email of the day (2)

on importing the Subscriber's Audio into iTunes:
"I noted that a contributor mentioned downloading the commentary to his iPhone and listening while jogging. I have downloaded the MP3 version for years but since moving to an iPhone I have had more trouble doing this than with any previous phone system (Nokia, Blackberry) and wonder if you can assist? On the Nokia or Blackberry platforms I was always given the option to "download" when clicking on the MP3 icon in "Subscriber's Audio" or the "most recent audio" on the Home Page, which is what I would expect. However, with the iPhone the Safari browser goes into "play mode" as soon as click on the MP3 icon and seems to buffer the MP3 file so I have to listen to it within Safari, not what I would expect from Apple who invented the iPod which is where I would expect to select the MP3 file to play. I have a similar experience on my laptop if I use Safari compared to other browsers, again not what I would expect, so it may be related to Safari rather than anything else. In an attempt to get around the problem I subscribed to your Podcast with a view to getting at the MP3 files within the iPod application on the iPhone, but this has never worked. I would be interested in finding out other users' experiences and for someone to explain to me how it is supposed to work. Apart from this I think the iPhone is great compared with other platforms, especially for other MP3 applications, so I don't understand why I have problems with the Fullermoney Audio Commentary."

Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for this email which I'm sure will be of interest to other subscribers. Here is a link on how to subscribe to Fullermoney's daily podcast via iTunes. In short, simply drag and drop the RSS icon located in the upper right of the Subscriber's Audio page into the Podcasts section of iTunes.

To transfer the podcast to your iPhone follow these instructions:

1. Connect the iPhone to your computer and open iTunes.
2. Once the icon for your iPhone appears in iTunes under 'Devices' click on it. This will open up the Summary page.
3. At the top of the Summary page there are a number of options. Click on Podcasts.
4. Click on the tick box for Sync Podcasts.
5. Click on the Apply button in the bottom right of the page.
6. Then click on the Sync button in the bottom right of the page. This will back up your data and transfer the podcast to your iPhone.
7. You will now find the podcast in the iPod section of your iPhone.
8. To find your podcast in the iPod menu of your iPhone click on More…
9. A menu will appear with a list of options. Podcasts should be the last one. Touch it.
10. The icon should appear in this menu and you touch it to listen.

In future, all you will need do is Sync you iPhone with you computer and it should automatically transfer the latest version of the podcast.

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