Email of the day (2
on where to study behavioural finance:
“Hi, I was intrigued by the piece posted by the subscriber studying for the PhD in Behavioural Finance on 30th January. I have a keen interest in the subject and am keen to pursue formally. Would you be able to advice as to the best schools for Masters degrees or PhD's in this area? Also, would you recommend any books on the subject (I have just ordered Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow, which has received good reviews). Many thanks. “
Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for this question which others may also find of interest. A straw poll of the office in London resulted in Durham University and London Business School being mentioned. Both David and I suggest that you carefully examine the breadth of courses offered at a number of universities. In our experience the way behavioural finance is taught tends to focus more on stoicism and rules rather than engaging in the maelstrom of human emotion.
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