Email of the day (2)
Comment of the Day

April 13 2012

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (2)

On an Autonomies fund:
If you think it's appropriate, would you mind listing a few funds that you think are an interesting way of participating in the 'Autonomies' theme.

David Fuller's view I think it is very appropriate for the longer term and I know many other subscribers share your interest.

I would welcome a fund for global Autonomies, provided its fee structure did not heavily penalise investor returns as is the case with most funds these days. My preference would be for an investment trust and I hope some like-minded institutional investment managers within the Collective launch an Autonomies fund within the not too distant future.

Meanwhile, having seen Eoin's frequent reviews of Autonomies, you can always aim to cherry pick within the sector on a timely basis. Otherwise, the closest alternative would be Dividend Aristocrat funds because a number of Autonomies qualify. However, Dividend Aristocrats will also include national and regional companies which are not Autonomies - utilities, for instance. You will find a list of Dividend Aristocrat funds in the Library - just Search under Aristo.

Note: in considering any of these funds, please conduct your own due diligence, particularly regarding costs. Most of these funds and shares are currently consolidating temporarily overextended gains relative to their 200-day MA.

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