Email of the day (2)
"I am enjoying Eoin's presentations immensely (New York).
"I have a question on chart action and its movements. Please take a look at the chaotic chart of FCX. Is the next upward movement going to be seen in the chart action, or is the movement dependent on the price of copper and gold?"
David Fuller's view Thanks for the feedback and I am sure
you and the other subscribers at TCS kept Eoin on his toes.
FCX, this is a chicken and egg question so your guess is as good as mine. First,
with the share drifting at present you
cannot get a meaningful move to the upside without some favourable upward dynamic.
That move could be coincident with copper and/or gold, or it could lead or lag
depending on whether animal spirits initially favour the metals or a mining
share with a decent (3.3%) yield. The charts will eventually show you so I would
watch related instruments such as the three mentioned above and I would also
monitor China which is likely to make another significant copper purchase in
the not too distant future as it imports approximately 50% of its annual requirement.
Clearer evidence of a Chinese stock market revival could easily boost interest
in mining shares, as I have mentioned recently.