Email of the day (2)
Comment of the Day

February 04 2013

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (2)

On nuclear themes
"Thanks for commenting on Nuclear themes yesterday. Unfortunately, I still have some uranium related investments. I would be grateful for your views about Uranium for the long term. Do you think it will revive."

David Fuller's view When the Fukushima accident occurred on 11th March 2011, my fear was that it could be a setback for the industry of up to a decade. Today, we are just over a month shy of two years since Fukushima. Moreover, the world now knows much more about the potential of shale gas and oil today.

If China and India are successful with their newer generations of nuclear reactors, more countries will follow their lead. Meanwhile, there will be periodic rallies, not least due to short covering. If you have time on your side and plenty of patience, the sector will eventually recover. However, if you want to hold on, I would only do so in the uranium shares that pay dividends.

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