Email of the day (2)
"Every week Fullermoney links subscribers to a host of garbage from the Fed, IMF, and other governmental minions. Why?
"All of those reports are written by bureaucrats outside of the market. Their goal is to legitimize the interventions of the central planners. I believe that free market news and information sources like FM, should promote market ideas.
"Please consider directing your subscribers away from that nonsense, not towards it. As this crisis unfolds we will need market solutions, not more government failure."
Eoin Treacy's view Thank you for this feedback which others may find of interest. A US subscriber kindly forwards me the list of academic reports every week, which originates in the research department of the bank where he works. More than once he has asked me if I thought they were of benefit to the Collective and I have always responded that I appreciated the time he spent in sending them and at least find them of personal value.
I agree that as citizens and investors, most particularly in the USA and much of Europe, we have been remarkably ill-served by our monetary and often fiscal authorities. One can not but feel betrayed when we are asked to foot the bill for bank rescues when those that made the mistakes seem to escape with their wealth intact.
Nevertheless, this does not mean that we should shun the analytical output of institutions such as the Fed, ECB, IMF, OECD etc. because like it or not, these institutions form public policy and some govern monetary policy which have a direct influence on the financial markets.
At Fullermoney we spend the vast majority of our time considering the outlook for global markets. I wholeheartedly believe that being aware of current thinking among central banks and comparative agencies is useful in determining attitudes to public policy and therefore think that linking to various reports of potential interest is adding value for subscribers who then have the choice of whether to read or ignore them.