Email of the day (2)
"I'm fairly new to the site and am still navigating my way around it. Every now and then there are references to your Top 10 portfolio and the Fullermoney themes, but I'm having difficulty locating them. Could you please help?"
David Fuller's view Welcome to Fullermoney.
For any
back data, please use this site's 'Search' facility, shown in the left-hand
column, fourth item down and between 'Chart Library' and 'The Chart Seminar'.
Keep the search words brief because we are not Google. However if you search
under 'top-10' (include hyphen and no extra spacing) you will find 66 entries.
The last review of my personal top-10 equity investments by weighting was posted
on 8th
January 2010, so I am due for another review which I will conduct shortly.
word that Eoin and I have written since Fullermoney became a fully online service
is still posted in the site's Archives. For our secular themes, 'Search' under
'Fullermoney themes' and also 'Fullermoney theme'.