Email of the day (2)
Comment of the Day

June 17 2010

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (2)

On an investment trust premium
This broker's note caught my eye this morning, Anthony Bolton's new closed China end fund is sitting on a large premium and Oriel point out the attractions of a competitor, JPMorgan China which has a long established track record and can be bought at 5% discount.

David Fuller's view Thanks for this. I can reproduce the note, which I have linked to your email above, but not the charts which require a password. Nevertheless they are not central to the argument.

I am a great admirer of Anthony Bolton but if I had an investment in his China Investment Trust, currently selling at a premium to NAV of over 7%, I would sell it in favour of another China instrument (Fidelity have several in addition to those mentioned in the circular above). I would not consider repurchasing it until it sold at a discount to NAV as is the norm for ITs (closed-end funds).

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