Email of the day (2)
Comment of the Day

July 15 2010

Commentary by David Fuller

Email of the day (2)

More on the destruction of fiat currencies
"the plural of leu is lei. at least in theory.

"today I had the incredible experience of holding a 100 trillion dollar note in my hands. it had been issued by Zimbabwe. one of my readers sent it to me. I am adding it to my father's collection of beautiful graphics Weimer Republik German Marks. and my twenty pounds gold backed Belgian sterling bond issued by the Gopvernment of China to build railroads in 1913. and my Czarist 250 million ruble gold-backed state bond. And my Petrole Trust bond and my beearer shares of Credit Foncier Argentin and Electricite de Beyrouth, both with coupons attached. Beautiful print jobs all.
I have stuff like that in my office to keep me humble.

"I have no lei. my husband once had a few because he had to buy them when crossing the border by train en route to Turkey (each way) during the Communist era. But he threw them out."

David Fuller's view Thanks for pointing this out and here is Wikipedia on the Romanian leu (plural lei)

I could add a few defunct share certificates to that list, mainly junior gold mines purchased during a steep learning curve in earlier years. I had not heeded Mark Twain's cautionary words: "A gold mine is a hole in the ground with a liar standing next to it."

Obviously this does not apply to all junior or ageing mines, but it does apply to too many of them

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